About us

Our story

Founded in 2023, Emmardigital is the anchor point for a new initiative to bring best-in-class functionality to the consumer in order to drive the best possible decisions and choices available. Emmardigital and Emmarmedia are wholly owned subsidiaries of Emmar LLC; dedicated to bringing simple and powerful tools directly to the consumer. Make the best decision based upon the best available information.

Emmardigital focuses attention on designing, building and deploying web-based functionality in an agnostic and objective perspective. Above all, the sites and functionality developed can be classified as Affiliate Marketing, but without any specific bias or opinion. We build sites that are context driven and focused on a fairly narrow product segment. An example of this is by building the functionality to compare details and capabilities for "Small Kitchen Electrics" as an example, including all known details, existing product reviews, best-known pricing and similar data points. With a functional site developed as a baseline, it becomes simple to repeat the steps and focus the next site on a different product segment, while repurposing the logic and experience from prior sites.

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Our team

Louis Ferguson

Editor in Chief

Frances Guerrero

Managing Editor

Larry Lawson

Director Graphics

Louis Crawford

Editor, Coverage

What we do

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Global news services

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Commercial services

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Public services

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